Edizioni Essegi

Bruno CORÀ

Richard LONG

Annemarie SAUZEAU
Hans Ulrich OBRIST


«Emblemata» does not fit into the definition of a standard publishing collection – with all the qualities, specificity, but also the restrictions, that are typical of a collection. On the contrary, it is conceived as a collection of ‘works’ created directly by the artists. In «Emblemata», all the artists are entirely free to create their own ‘ideal’ volume, transposing their sign, the ‘emblematic’ code of their poetic vision into a book through the use of the materials, printing techniques, and manual skills they consider adequate to this purpose. As in any book, the work has to include one or more texts by the artist himself and/or by an author who, in this case, is asked to produce a literary work that interacts with the artist’s intervention. However, a more specific aspect that characterizes «Emblemata» is the attention paid to the reader/ observer in the project of rethinking the book-work, today: in the world of the Internet and of virtual futurity, in an epoch of looking and talking, the purpose of a book is perhaps to revert back to what it was in the Middle Ages, when amanuenses handed down knowledge through their work. Thus the book is seen as the passing on of knowledge, as a direct form of communication between the artist and the reader, which allows the latter to ‘see’, not just look. All this is what «Emblemata» aims for.


Collection directed and edited by Maurizio Londei